We aim to build a library of stories from the bike community to inspire others to keep spinning through times of adversity.

Do you have a story to share?

Complete the form at the bottom of the page!

The following stories are written by you, by us, and by our Rider Resilience advocates. Here, stories become more than just words on a page, they embody the spirit of RESILIENCE, courage and determination. From unforeseen obstacles, dealing with ongoing challenges to triumphs, these stories provide an insight into the perspective that defines the riding community.  Within these stories, we find solace, inspiration, and collective strength.

Story Nils Amelinckx Story Nils Amelinckx

Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder

Nils Amelinckx is the founder of Rider Resilience. This story, first printed in the incredible Sidetracked Magazine, details Nils’ backstory and helps to explain the ethos behind how riding bikes gave Nils the resilience to face the adversity in his life.

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Share Your Story.

Rider Resilience intends to become a support circle, a pool of inspiration from which to draw strength and motivation. 

WRITTEN BY YOU is where the narratives are penned by the very individuals who have experienced the challenges and triumphs of riding through adversity firsthand, offering a unique and authentic glimpse into their journeys. 

If you have ever found yourself turning to your bike to regain solace, we would love to hear your story.